How can you help?

You are an important part of Indonesian Three Magnolias, Inc. (ITM).

Your support and partnership allow ITM to transform communities in Labuan, Banten, Indonesia.

There are many ways to get involved and accomplish great things by working together. Even helping one individual can make a small change for the better.

Join us TODAY to support women disadvantages in Labuan, Banten so they can feed their families while achieve their dreams through free education/training, such as sewing, quilting, cooking, health guide, read & write.

Please also raise awareness about Indonesian Three Magnolias by forwarding this site to a friend.

  • Check Payable To: Indonesian Three Magnolias

  • Venmo: @indonesianThree-Magnolias

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  • Bank Transfer

    Indonesia: BNI Bank

    Nomor Rekening: 0685898479

    Name: Yayasan Tiga Cempaka Labuan